Meet the boother Rex Huang Rex Huang has been in business for a decade. He boasts a massive list of happy clients he has worked with over the years. He has been part of many events and is a great advocate for team building. Check out his profile below for more on his...
Meet the boother Jenna Ridenhour Jenna has gained her boothing crown having spent the last three years developing, positioning and growing her booth business.Her entire business brand and ethos is driven by product quality and customer service, which is reflected in...
Meet the boothers Richard and Sharmona Rivers Richard and Sharmona have been in this business for three years, but they have decades of experience as entrepreneurs and learned quite a lot about the photo booth industry which shows their work and results. That is why I...
Meet the booth pro Monica Gunderlock Half a decade in our industry and a list of celebrity clients that Vogue would be jealous of, Monica Gunderlock keeps herself and her boothing talents under the radar. One thing that really stands out for me, Monica is such an...
Meet the boother Lap Le You only have to look at the output from this week’s Pro Boother to know she knows how to rock a photo booth! With over a decade’s experience behind her, I watch in awe of Lap Le and her team, as they set up, deliver and showcase some amazing...
Meet the professionals David Miller, CEO LA Photo Party If you haven’t met David Miller, CEO LA Photo Party, this is a pretty good introduction to the man behind multiple photo booth hardware’s, software’s and a successful creative events agency. LA Photo...